We have helped hospitals, disability and aged care facilities with one of the most pressing challenges healthcare providers face daily – How to fill last minute shifts or adjust staffing at short notice. Now with ‘iShapps’, the healthcare sector can take advantage of the flexibility, classification based, geo-targeting, ranking, rating, certification or training search preferences to ensure quality temporary health care professionals can be found on demand and on time. We put the control back into your managers hands, ensuring highly skilled employees can be sourced to provide continuity of care. Look below to see what our customers, community members and health care professionals have to say about us.

“I used to be captive to logging into several systems to try and find extra shift opportunities, shapp serves them up to my phone and I accept or decline within seconds. Using Shapp could literally not be easier.”

“I used to be captive to logging into several systems to try and find extra shift opportunities, shapp serves them up to my phone and I accept or decline within seconds. Using Shapp could literally not be easier.”

“I used to be captive to logging into several systems to try and find extra shift opportunities, shapp serves them up to my phone and I accept or decline within seconds. Using Shapp could literally not be easier.”

“I used to be captive to logging into several systems to try and find extra shift opportunities, shapp serves them up to my phone and I accept or decline within seconds. Using Shapp could literally not be easier.”

“I used to be captive to logging into several systems to try and find extra shift opportunities, shapp serves them up to my phone and I accept or decline within seconds. Using Shapp could literally not be easier.”

“I used to be captive to logging into several systems to try and find extra shift opportunities, shapp serves them up to my phone and I accept or decline within seconds. Using Shapp could literally not be easier.”