Smart Healthcare Solutions respects and supports the fundamental rights of patients, aged care and disability support consumers to continue living with dignity and respect, along with choice and inclusion in relation to their care needs, and being free to engage an advocate and/or representative of their choice.
Smart Healthcare Solutions’ Code of Conduct and Ethical Behaviour sets out, in principle, the behaviors and standards of conduct expected of a healthcare professional who is providing care services to a person introduced through the Smart Healthcare solution platform and to uphold the rights of consumers. By offering services to our facilities’ care consumers via the Smart Healthcare solution platform, the healthcare professional is agreeing to always:
- Treat members of the Smart Healthcare Solutions community, including care consumers, family members and representatives, with respect and dignity at all times.
- Recognise that each care consumer is an individual, with individual needs, inclusive of those with complex, or more specialised needs.
- Respect peoples personal, cultural, linguistic, and religious preferences and background.
- Provide care with empathy and sensitivity, without exploitation, abuse, discrimination, or harassment.
- Respect the care consumers right to choose the care they want and from whom they want it, free from victimization.
- Keep all personal information and records of the care consumers confidential. This includes but is not limited to;
- The safe storage of information required to carry out the appropriate care as requested by the care customer.
- Not take advantage of any personal information or sensitive information (including health and financial information) of the care consumer obtained during the course of providing care services.Always act professionally, ethically and honestly
- Always act with due diligence regarding the health, safety and well being of the care consumer and the healthcare professional’s own health and safety.
- Execute care services safely, and in accordance with the appropriate standards and relevant legislation relating to health care service provision.
- Only provide care services for which he or she is capable and qualified to provide, and which are safe to provide.
- Report any concerns regarding the health and safety of the care consumer immediately to the care consumers elected contact and/or representative.
- In an emergency, immediately call 000.
- In the event of an accident/incident, document all details relating to the event in a progress note.
- Avoid situations which may give rise to pecuniary or other conflicts of interest.
- In general, healthcare professionals must not deal with the finances of care consumers (if a situation arises where this is necessary, he or she does so ensuring the best interests of care consumers are upheld, and that any actions, advice or decision of the healthcare professional are not influenced by self-interest or of personal gain, or other improper motives).
- Healthcare professionals undertake to record details (via a progress note) of any occasion where financial transactions are required and where possible advise the care consumer’s chosen representative.
- Healthcare professionals are not to accept gifts from care consumers which are, or could be reasonably interpreted as, inappropriate given the nature of the relationship between the healthcare professional and care consumers.
- In situations where a gift has been received, the healthcare professional undertakes to advise the family and/or the care consumer’s chosen representative and facility manager and record a progress note including details of the gift received.
- Always act, honestly, truthfully, and in accordance with the terms of use of the Smart Healthcare Solutions website and platform (Smart Healthcare solution).
- Ensure all representations made, and information provided to Smart Healthcare Solutions, and to facilities or hospitals via the Smart Healthcare Solutions website, is honest, accurate, and up to date.
- Act in good faith to Smart Healthcare Solutions, and not act in a manner which is contrary to the interests of Smart Healthcare Solutions.
- Not offer to provide or provide services to care consumers , facilities, or hospitals on terms, other than those disclosed to Smart Healthcare Solutions.
- If a care consumer approaches the healthcare professional to provide care services on terms other than those disclosed to care partners, the healthcare professional must immediately notify Smart Healthcare Solutions of the request.
- Not request or receive cash payments or other forms of compensation from care consumers directly, in respect of services which are provided, which should be properly billed and paid via Smart Healthcare Solutions.
- Act at all times professionally, ethically and honestly.
- Disclose relevant and accurate information in relation to diagnosis, medication and care required, ensuring the Healthcare Professional can provide appropriate quality care services in a safe and effective manner.
- This includes but is not limited to;
- Providing documented Care Plans, relevant Medical History, Care Assessment or other appropriate tool/referral provided by an existing service provider. Appropriately supervise and monitor the care and the Healthcare Professional
- Be aware of the appropriate professional boundaries, and always act to protect the boundaries of the professional relationship. For example, the care consumer, family member and/or their representative must not engage in any type of physical relationship with any healthcare professional, nor take unfair advantage of, or exploit any relationship with, the healthcare professional in any way.
- Immediately report any episode or incident which raises concerns about the standards of care provided by the healthcare professional to Smart Healthcare Solutions, and if necessary, to the Health Care Complaints Commission, or other appropriate regulatory body.Not act in a vulgar manner, nor do or act in any way, which may expose healthcare professionals to pornographic, sexually explicit or otherwise inappropriate material.
- Avoid situations which may give rise to the healthcare professional having pecuniary or other conflicts of interest.
- Not offer gifts to the healthcare professional’s which are, or could be reasonably interpreted as inappropriate, given the nature of the relationship between the healthcare professional and care consumers. For example, the healthcare professional must not be a beneficiary of a care consumer’s will.
- Always act with due diligence in regards to the health, safety and wellbeing of themselves and the Healthcare Professional, and not request the Healthcare Professional to undertake any duty or activity that puts themselves, or the Healthcare Professional’s health and safety, at risk.
- Maintain best efforts to provide a working environment where the care services can be delivered safely.
- Act at all times honestly and truthfully.
- Ensure that feedback on Healthcare Professionals provided to the Smart Healthcare Solutions website is honest, respectful, accurate, and provided in good faith.
- Act in good faith to Smart Healthcare Solutions, and not do anything which is contrary to the interests of Smart Healthcare Solutions.
- Not offer to receive services from Healthcare Professionals on terms other than those disclosed to Smart Healthcare Solutions.
- Not make cash payments, nor any other method of payment, to Healthcare Professionals in respect of services provided, other than those agreed to through the Smart Healthcare Solutions website.
Additional Information and References:
Charter of Rights and Responsibilities for people receiving Government funded home care packages: Click here
Seniors Rights Service (SRS): Click here
Health Care Complaints Commission: Click here